Tholos is an MPC (Multi-Party Computation) based platform built for organizations to safeguard digital assets with enterprise-grade security and a seamless treasury management environment. Where standard wallets suffer from a single point of failure, and multisig wallets are clunky, MPC wallets like Tholos provide increased security, ease of use, and functionality. In other words, Tholos saves organizations time and headaches when managing digital assets and provides teams with an extra layer of security for their on-chain assets.

“Thanks to SimpleHash, our clients can count on reliable and rapid NFT-related data.” - Abraham Litwin-Logan, Founder & CEO of Tholos
The Challenge
📈The more you scale, the harder it is to provide accurate data on demand
As a chain-agnostic solution, Tholos must ensure its customers have up-to-date information about their funds — regardless of which blockchain stores each asset. However, offering on-demand, accurate data became exponentially more difficult with every new chain Tholos supported. The team began searching for potential API solutions but quickly found:
- Most vendors fail to provide reliable data at their advertised speeds.
- Building and maintaining an in-house solution is too costly and time-consuming.
To move forward, Tholos needed to partner with a data provider who could overcome both hurdles. Fortunately, they soon found SimpleHash.
The Solution
⚡️Unlike most APIs, SimpleHash exceeds its advertised speed & reliability
Before his team could fully commit to SimpleHash, Abraham Litwin-Logan, Founder & CEO of Tholos, needed to ensure two things:
- SimpleHash is powerful enough to support the existing Tholos wallet.
- SimpleHash is agile enough to scale alongside Tholos as a company.
After a series of intensive trial runs, our platform quickly “surpassed expectations,” says Abraham. SimpleHash didn’t just provide the basic technical services Tholos needed. While most Web3 API providers oversell their speed, reliability, and scalability, SimpleHash’s actual API performance exceeded what we advertise.
In addition, SimpleHash constantly expands our core API and roster of 30 chains and counting. Our client support team regularly connects with Tholos to share which integrations are in the pipeline and ensure our growth roadmaps are aligned for the long run.
The Results
✅ SimpleHash powers Tholos to be a truly chain-agnostic Web3 leader
Before SimpleHash, the Tholos team worried about countless data issues with their old API providers, such as data formatting incorrectly or users seeing outdated info when they opened up their wallets. Today, SimpleHash eliminates those inconsistencies.
Tholos can now offer customers real-time, 24/7 views of their vaults when it comes to NFTs. Here are some results of that enhanced platform experience:
- $10,000 saved monthly by avoiding custom, in-house builds
- Significant engineering resources re-aligned to focus on their core product
To date, Tholos offers four blockchains thanks to SimpleHash. However, offering truly chain-agnostic security requires additional integrations to come. Looking ahead, Abraham’s team is amped to continue to add support for many more chains with SimpleHash’s help.